Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Are the holidays over yet?

I am so tired of authorizing time off requests! The holidays are bad for our business... we do not sell trinkets and trash to stuff in stockings, we don't have gift wrap and no great Santa gifts are being carted out of our locations ... so the holidays only cause interrupted work days for my business.
I know I sound like a Grinch but come on... everyone can not have the days prior to or after a holiday off... as an employee you know the holidays are coming all year long.
I have a few simple rules:
1. If you do not have any vacation time to use because you used it all up taking time off during the rest of the year... why are you asking for time off now? There are employees who have time available that won't ever be able to use their time if you are always off.
2. You know the holidays are coming all year long... put your time off request in at least 2 weeks in advance. (this goes for the rest of the year as well... unless it is something you can not really plan for).
3. If other employees who work at the same site that you work at and do the same job function you do, have already been granted time off... don't even ask. We still have to operate as a business and we need workers.
4. NO... you can not have Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years off (our businesses are closed on the actual holiday but there is always at least 6 people on call even during those times). I don't care of your dog is ill, Grandmother has just been released from jail, long lost cousin Stella (thought to have died years ago) was found alive and well in New Jersey and is coming for her first visit in 45 years. There are other employees who have families and want time off as well.
5. Stop being greedy.
6. Don't make me out to be the bad person when I do not approve your time off because you have violated one of the first five rules! Be an adult and learn to follow policy and use good common sense.
7. Remember you have to work with your co-workers and they remember who is naughty and who is nice far longer than Santa.. and so does the supervisor who will complete your review and recommend you for a salary increase (or not)!

I really do hope that everyone had safe holidays and that we can get back to getting some work done really fast!

These are my rules but they go for all employees working in all industry ... be a good employee and practice being kind even to your supervisor... we need love too! We are human and even if we only have one feeling ... we do feel dang it!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Did they really DO/Say that???? ... YES, they did!

Last year we in the Midwest were pelted by an ice storm. In our business it is not an option to not come to work, we have patients that meed medical items even if the weather is bad. I explain this to all employees during their interviews and that seldom, if ever will I find it acceptable to miss work due to weather. Employees always say that they agree and totally understand this... that is why I am still to this day surprised when they call in due to weather and then they are even more surprised when I tell them that the weather is not a valid reason to miss work. It is been the source of humor for me in more than one telephone conversation.
Last year during a particularly awful storm I was not my usual self and even understanding to a point when a few employees missed work. Heck, even I can get close enough to a fireplace to melt my cold heart just a tad.
Well, one of our offices had a Customer Service Rep. that was somewhat simple and a little slow on the take at times. She was very pleasant, always smiled, always had something nice to say and even spoke fondly of an ex husband. How can anyone not allow a person like this just a little wiggle room in difficult situations.
Well even she pushed me just a little too far. She phoned in on day #1 to say that she had no electricity, could not get her garage door open and had no one to stay with her young son. OK, that was acceptable but she was reminded that is was important for her to make arrangements and be at the office the next day. Day #2 came and almost went with out a peep from this employees, finally at the end of the day she phoned with a brief explanation and in her child like innocence did not see a problem with calling in at the end of the day or not being at the office all together. Day #3 came and went with no contact from this employee.
Her direct supervisor phone and briefed me on the whole situation. It was a direct violation of our company policy and I told the supervisor that I would contact HR and ensure we had the proper paperwork. I would then be at the location the next day to speak with the supervisor and that we would be terminating this employee. We all agreed.
Day #4 I arrived at the location to find the employee had returned to work and had in tow her young son. No, she did not phone her supervisor and discuss this prior to bringing him she just did it. After a brief discussion with the supervisor we agreed that the relationship with this employee could not continue and we invited the employee into my office (after making arrangements with another employee to supervise the young child).
I began by recapping the situation as it had been relayed to me and the employee agreed that it was accurate. I asked her why she had not shown up on Day #3 or phoned in at which time she stated that she really wanted to make cookies that day so she just stayed home to bake. I hate to say this but from her it almost made sense. I asked her where the cookies were and she said she did not bring any to work with her.
Well,,,, that was it. The last straw. I had to terminate at that point. All the violations and then she did not even bring cookies! What the HECK is that about! A few words of advice: AT THE VERY LEAST BRING YOUR BOSS COOKIES!!!!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

EVERYONE has a boss!

Everyone has a boss even the boss. I have the 2nd highest position in my company but the President/Owner is still my boss and I am accountable to my boss. I am also accountable to every employee, our clients/patients, my spouse, my bill collectors and myself.

I wish that everyone could understand this concept. I am not sure if employees don't get it or don't want to get it. I think that it is a mixture of both and it is sorting out which situation applies to which employee that is complicated.

If I unravel this mystery then I should also find a way to instill world piece and win the lotto every week. Maybe I am only able to see this problem as half empty right now and need to step back and gain some perspective.

I will get back to you on this! I have to find a butterfly net now so I can get something done!
December 17, 2008 addition to previous entry:
Well it seems that a person or two from work actually read my dribble. I am grateful for that and find some humor in this also. I have found another another thing to be true: I have always said that if you make a blanket statement to a group of employees about a behavior that needs to be corrected - the person or persons that have the behavior that needs to be corrected will not realize the blanket statement in anyway applies to them and they will basically not hear a word that is being said as it "does not apply to me". The employees in the room that are doing their job and have do not have behavior that needs to be corrected will begin to wonder if in some way something they did could be what is being referred to and they will question themselves. This happened today when a great employee asked if I wrote this blog because they phoned in ill yesterday. I reassured them that I had written this blog prior to their phone call and posted it the night before. I know at times I may seem to be able to read minds but I can not and I do not have a crystal ball and I can not see into the future so it was in no way directed towards this person. MF, rest assured you are a good employees and someone I rely on greatly. It is OK to be sick from time to time. LOL :) You make me laugh and I need that.

Friday, December 12, 2008

One of My Work Mottos.

You never know how much work someone does or does not do until they are gone. This is a statement that I know to be true. I have not a single doubt that there are employees that I have failed to truly value until they have left either their position or the company all together. I also know that there are employees who are so good at looking busy and boosting about what a good job they are doing that you have no idea how much they have failed to do until they have left the company. I try to surround myself with good people because one person cannot do everything for a company and be successful. I try to not ever be too overly confident in my abilities and ensure that people know I realize there is something I can learn from each individual that I work with and that I am not a “specialist” in every area or any area depending on the day. I do pride myself in the fact that I try very hard to gain some knowledge of each employees position because I have a strong belief that a person cannot evaluate another person if they have no idea what the person really does. I need to know how things work, why they work, why they don’t work and what can be done to make it work. I need to know what happened if this or that happens and what the cause and effect will be in many given situations. With this need comes a vast array of knowledge about many various topics. (My friends say I am a wealth of little known facts & seldom needed knowledge) If I don’t know how to do something I will research with any means available to gain the knowledge I need to solve the problem. It is my own “need to know” that makes me not understand how an employee can boost about their knowledge, skills and education and then I realize that they either did not have the knowledge and skill that they claim to have or that they took no pride in their position and did not care enough to do everything the “right” was. Taking short cuts will only cause much more time and effort in the long run when someone takes over these tasks and tires to correct the past mistakes and do things the “right” way.
If you don’t have time to do things right the first time you will never have time to go back and fix it! This is my motto. If you take one thing from my blog that would be it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Employees... there is NO normal

With employees there is no normal. Each one if as different as a snowflake and some of them are just flakes. I no longer interview potential candidates for a position and try to see into the future and pick the “best” person for the position. I now hire for pure entertainment value and this way I am seldom disappointed. I sure hate to be disappointed.
I have to give props to the employees that are dedicated, flexible and really make my life easier. They are few and far between but I do have them and for that I am grateful every day. I hope they know who they are and I try to show my appreciation and tell them how much I appreciate them on a regular basis.
One of these people is MF and she is over HR and trust me that is a thankless job. No one appreciates how hard this position is, except for me and most days... I get it!
MF and I are going to write a book someday about all of the unbelievable things employees have said to us or about us at times. They are out of this world and it is hard to believe an adult human let any of them fly out out their mouths.
I will share some of these with you as time goes by and see if you are as surprised and flabbergasted as I have been. Tune in for details…..