Thursday, December 11, 2008

Employees... there is NO normal

With employees there is no normal. Each one if as different as a snowflake and some of them are just flakes. I no longer interview potential candidates for a position and try to see into the future and pick the “best” person for the position. I now hire for pure entertainment value and this way I am seldom disappointed. I sure hate to be disappointed.
I have to give props to the employees that are dedicated, flexible and really make my life easier. They are few and far between but I do have them and for that I am grateful every day. I hope they know who they are and I try to show my appreciation and tell them how much I appreciate them on a regular basis.
One of these people is MF and she is over HR and trust me that is a thankless job. No one appreciates how hard this position is, except for me and most days... I get it!
MF and I are going to write a book someday about all of the unbelievable things employees have said to us or about us at times. They are out of this world and it is hard to believe an adult human let any of them fly out out their mouths.
I will share some of these with you as time goes by and see if you are as surprised and flabbergasted as I have been. Tune in for details…..


  1. Oh you are too sweet!! If you weren't around this place I'd have to be committed! But seriously, about that book? We need to start that sucker soon.

  2. Well, lets get on it. I need something to do in my spare time and I could really use the money we could make off of it. Do you know a publisher who might give us an advance for the holidays?! LOL.
